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Barozi said:
dark_gh0st_b0y said:

God, I always try to respect other people's opinions but on this matter I just can't accept any justification or even neutrality on Putin's actions

Ukraine is a independent country by international law - the days of the USSR are over, it is also a democracy, and therefore they have the right to join anything they want, including NATO and the EU, they have the right to move towards what seems best for their future

if Russia feels NATO is getting too close, they can reinforce defence from within their borders

or you know... move their capital closer inland like so many other nations have already done it (for various reasons).

Some of them include: Brazil, Nigeria, Pakistan and uh.. Russia

Yep. St Petersburg was the capital of the Russian Empire. Moscow was the capital of the Soviet Union. They can always move the capital further inland to Yekaterinberg or Novosbirsk.

Or... and hear me out, I know it sounds crazy... Russia's government could stop acting in such a way that its neighbors won't feel the need to protect themselves by joining alliances like NATO. 

@Ryuu96: I guess it's early still, but it's starting to look like Putin seriously fucked up on this one. His troops are already starving and cold, and it's becoming more clear that at least some of them didn't understand what they were getting into. They clearly weren't expecting the Ukrainians to be so tenacious, especially President Zelensky himself. Hungry soldiers tend to not be loyal soldiers. 

A good ending to this war would be Vladimir Putin either swinging from a gallows or blindfolded in front of a firing squad.