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Putin more fully explains his motives for invading Ukraine: they're Nazis! Especially the Jewish ones!! You know, for not wanting to die or be colonized.

Putin likewise claims he wants to negotiate now with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who he recognizes as the country's legitimate head of state...while his tanks and planes and soldiers are currently battling through the streets of Kyiv, advancing toward the presidential palace. It's called lying. He does a lot of that. For example, for the last two months he's been saying he wouldn't invade Ukraine at all and those 190,000 Russian troops being amassed along their border were just symbolically there to make sure Ukraine didn't invade and take over Russia BECAUSE THEY'RE NAZIS!!!

Personally, I'm with this Ukrainian woman who offered an occupying Russian soldier the gift of sunflower seeds...that she might be able to one day see flowers growing over his corpse when he dies on Ukrainian soil.