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axumblade said:
JWeinCom said:

Oh dear. I just wanted to get a little high but I'm stoned out of my mind. O_O... @_@ @-@ @_O o_- =_= p+q

Just act cool. No one knows. Oh wait...besides us...

It's gym time soon. I fucking hate working out high. It seems to take forever. I'm a little less high so hopefully I'll come down within the next half hour.

axumblade said:

In other news, I ran into an old friend from back in the day and he gave me some edibles from Boston.....I only had a small piece of one bar but it was fucking intense. I think I might just use it for a sleeping aid or if I don't have to talk to anybody because it was strong af.

Edibles are always too intense for me. But, I'm going to disney in May, so I want to build up my tolerance, so I can be high in Disney. One of my life long dreams.