Dulfite said: 1) Pretty sure Monolith Soft is bigger than Retro, so you can't really compare their production output fairly. 2) It has been reported for years now that Retro had another game in the works that was cancelled mid development. Based on their output, it's safe to say this was a AAA game and not something AA like 2d DK. We could still end up seeing this at some point down the line or not. 3) This is just a hunch, but I'd guess they've been working on some other things too, smaller budget, that we could see shortly after MP4. 4) It's also possible Nintendo wants MP4 to be the visual peak for Switch, making it take longer, but again it's only been developed by them for 3 years and most AAA games take 4-6 years to make. What Bamco did before them was entirely scratched and thrown away. 5) Employees come and go in any industry. Hires aren't necessarily for new positions: could be people getting a better offer, retiring, swapping careers, having kids, wanting to relocate, etc. |
For the record, I hope that you're right. I am not in any way cheering for Retro to fail. I want nothing more than to watch gameplay of MP4 for the first time and get that same incredible rush that I had after I popped Metroid Prime into my Gamecube after opening it under my family's Christmas tree in 2002.