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People are definitely done with the pandemic, even though still over 70K people die each week

In total 17,381,708 new cases were reported last week (down from 21,074,539) to a total of 408,697,981
Also another 76,627 more deaths were reported (slightly up from 75,811) to a total of 5,820,065

Big difference in how quickly the USA got through Omicron while it's continuing much longer in Europe. Could just be different measuring, done with counting.

The continents

Europe reported 9.11 million new cases (down from 11.0 million) and 23,782 more deaths (slightly up from 22,943)
Asia reported 4.15 million new cases (down from 4.63 million) and 15,193 more deaths (slightly up from 14,242)
North America reported 2.09 million new cases (down from 2.73 million) and 22,434 more deaths (down from 24,003)
South America reported 1.68 million new cases (down from 2.24 million) and 11,875 more deaths (slightly up from 11,380)
Oceania reported 198K new cases (down from 209K) and 460 deaths (572 last week)
Africa reported 147K new cases (down from 216K) and 2,883 more deaths (slightly up from 2,671)

Corners of the world

USA reported 1.73 million new cases (down from 2.23 million) and 17,476 more deaths (slightly down from 18,869)
Brazil reported 972K new cases (down from 1.28 million) and 6,163 more deaths (up from 5,121)
Japan reported 659K new cases (up from 586K) and 878 deaths (397 last week)
India reported 504K new cases (down from 1.22 million) and 6,869 more deaths (down from 7,924)
South Korea reported 305K new cases (up from 141K) and 176 deaths (158 last week)
Iran reported 241K new cases (up from 210K) and 756 deaths (325 last week)
Australia reported 178K new cases (down from 194K) and 409 deaths (537 last week)
Canada reported 70.4K new cases (down from 96.2K) and 833 deaths (down from 1,025)
South Africa reported 18.8K new cases (down from 20.6K) and 1,085 more deaths (982 last week)

Also differences here how countries get through Omicron. Australia and Canada have a clear peak in deaths and are declining again.
Weekly deaths in South Africa never came down and slowly keep rising.
India managed to nip Omicron in the bud while South Korea and Japan are rising higher than ever.
Brazil peaked in cases, yet unlike India, deaths still keep rising.

Europe in detail

Germany and Russia seem to be the last ones to peak in Europe.
Deaths in the UK remain high, coming down very slowly. Which is pretty much true for most of Europe.

Also some odd differences here, death toll doesn't seem to go up in the Netherlands at all, while they are going up in Belgium with far fewer cases.
Ireland managed to cut Omicron short and is also remaining very low in deaths.

Global vaccination rate is now 53.73% (+2.61%) Big adjustment in Asia again, up this time

South America 68.84% (+0.69%)
Europe 63.76% (+0.19%)
Asia 62.84% (+3.09%) adjustment
North America 60.84% (+0.28%)
Oceania 59.92% (0.21%)
Africa 11.20% (+0.28%)

It looks like people are also done with vaccines, slowing down more and more.
While we're at 80% fully vaccinated in Canada, only 50% of people showed up for booster shots and only 55% of eligible children have had their first shot.

Hospitalizations are going down, but we're not out of the woods yet, and still the unvaccinated are straining the healthcare system