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Thanks for the link. I had a look and the people commenting have the same idea. What pants do you wear to be big enough  to fit the switch in it comfortably so that it wont fall lut?! I need those oants as the ones i have are too small and often i feel like if i were to sot down woth swotch in my pocket i may snap it in half?.  I never saw switch as being portable as the size is beyond portability for me. 

Agree exclusives is what makes switch an attractive oackage but imagine having the entire steam library with graphics that far exceeds switch and closer to console graphics minus Ray tracing. Which device out there where u can play steam library games at low to mid range pc on the go? 

. Why shouldn't it be made? Switch needs competition. I am sure it wont beat switch but if steam deck cam show that u can be portable with better specs and sell well, then nintendo has to carefully think about the next portable when it comes out. 

JWeinCom said:

dane007 said:

Its big but who puts switch in their pocket when they travel? Dont most people carry a bag when they travel around with a switch? Soze maoes sense considering the specs that its carrying. Anything smaller would cause it to overheat

I put my Switch in my pocket personally. I play it mostly on the train to my school/work, so I like to be able to access it quickly and not have to fiddle with a carrying case/bag when I have to get off the train. I'm not the only one. Also just convenient to be able to slide it in a pocket just to carry it around the house. Not a necessity but good.

The Switch is really besides the point though. Portability isn't the only reason to buy a Switch, or even probably the primary reason, which would be the exclusives. So, the portability for the Switch is more of a bonus feature in a sense. For this, there are other machines that run the exact same games, often better, so aside from portability and price, its utility is questionable. Portability is kind of the whole point. It has one job. The bigger it becomes, the less purpose it has.

Maybe it's the smallest they could make it, but then maybe the product just shouldn't be made at this point. 

JWeinCom said:
dane007 said:

Its big but who puts switch in their pocket when they travel? Dont most people carry a bag when they travel around with a switch? Soze maoes sense considering the specs that its carrying. Anything smaller would cause it to overheat

I put my Switch in my pocket personally. I play it mostly on the train to my school/work, so I like to be able to access it quickly and not have to fiddle with a carrying case/bag when I have to get off the train. I'm not the only one. Also just convenient to be able to slide it in a pocket just to carry it around the house. Not a necessity but good.

The Switch is really besides the point though. Portability isn't the only reason to buy a Switch, or even probably the primary reason, which would be the exclusives. So, the portability for the Switch is more of a bonus feature in a sense. For this, there are other machines that run the exact same games, often better, so aside from portability and price, its utility is questionable. Portability is kind of the whole point. It has one job. The bigger it becomes, the less purpose it has.

Maybe it's the smallest they could make it, but then maybe the product just shouldn't be made at this point.