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BenKenobi88 said: Everyone knows he had it coming. On his CELL thread, he didn't apologize for swearing and bashing other users, even though I asked. He just kept going and going with his Cell rantings. I actually am somewhat interested in what the Cell can do...but nobody needs to spam so much and shut down what other people say.
The cell as a standalone processor isnt all that ungodly fast, but that's what's so nice about the cell. It is meant to cluster. I mean, compareing it to a single C2D it's fast, but the single Cell will be passed in a year or two by it. That is where the most imporant part of the CELL comes into play. 2 cells = 200% power. 4 cells = 400% power. (over a single cell) 16cells = 1600% power. C2D = 100 C24(4 cores) = about 180% C28(8 cores) = about 300% C216(16cores) = about 500% C232(32cores) = about 800% There is a MAJOR problem with that system tho. Memory speed. The 360 has a major memory bandwidth issue. The modern PC has been plagued by the memory issues. The C2D changed things for the better. But still once agian, it is not the way the cell works. The cell has 64mb memory on each SPE. (dedicated) meaning that one SPE can access that memory at 100% speed. or all 8 SPEs can access their memory at 100%. For encodeing audio/video, a modern C2D is limited by the memory. The Cell has more speed coming off each SPE's memory than a C2D has total. The CELL has about 8x the memory bandwidth of a C2D. To compare the CELL to a RISC, PowerPC core... is basically the same as comparing it to a C2D. As a C2D is actually faster, and if I'm not mistaken, slightly better than a PPC. (the powerPC clusters better tho) My point on this is. 1 c2d or 8 c2d. They have the same problem. Memory speed. 1 cell can outpower the 8 c2d in memory intensive applications. (becuase of the memory) the 1 cell can outpower the 3 PPC processors on the 360 with it's eyes closed on memory intensive applications. The thing about the cell's power is it's memory calls. 1 cell = 8 memory calls every clock-tick. 2 cell = 16memory calls every clock-tick. 4 cell = 32memory calls every clock-tick. 1 c2d = 2 memory calls every clock tick. 2 c2d = 4 memory calls every clock tick. 4 c2d = 8 memory calls every clock tick. Here is where the Cell wins... The memory on the C2D isnt fast enough to do more than 4 memory calls each clock-tick. Meaning the memory intensive application... will see 0 performance increase from 2 c2d to 4 c2d. The Cell memory bandwidth, increases along with the power. EDIT: so you can link 100 cell processors together, and still run at 98% performance off each chip The PS3 is useing the cell as a prototype I think. To bring on the PS4. The PS4 is gonna rock this world. (if sony dont pull a stupid one and leave the cell processor)

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!