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LurkerJ said:
the-pi-guy said:

>I get a meme as a response

It's a good meme.

>testing has been available and free 

There are a few different kinds of tests. A few of which are not used for determining whether someone has immunity. The most common test in most places is the PCR test, which doesn't test for antibodies. It tests for the actual presence of the virus. It doesn't tell you if you have immunity. 

>"get vaccinated or get sacked regardless of your immunity status" is revolting 

I don't support it, but something needs to be done to fight against the misinformation, and people who are taking actions due to misinformation.

PCR tests have almost 100% specificity, if you're symptomatic, tested positive, cleared the infection, your immunity against the virus is equal if not better than those who had triple vaccination and no prior infections. It absolutely tells you that you have immunity smh 

How are you fighting against misinformation by totally setting aside logic and forcing healthcare professionals including doctors to get the vaccine or risk losing their jobs despite the ample evidence presented by the CDC no less? 

The argument here is that we can't give everyone anti body tests, not even PCR tests anymore (only for essential workers) Nor does it tell you how well you are protected. A vaccine is a standard dose, time stamped, easily tracked, can't lie about having it or not. Sure you could have tested positive for Covid in the past, but that still doesn't tell how well your immune system has been trained by the prior infection or what strain you had.

One thing we can track is the percentage of people ending up hospitalized without vaccines vs those who were prior vaccinated. The majority of people in the hospital were not vaccinated. Hence pushing vaccines is what will help drive hospitalizations down.

What is better, trying your luck by catching Omicron or get vaccinated? A sore arm for 2 days or maybe 3 weeks in bed to gain immunity.

The problem is people. They'll lie, bend the truth, assume the wrong thing, take their chances etc.
You don't protect society on good faith, sad but reality.