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I had a Xbox, so, i bought my 360 since launch (mexican lauch) and i have to say than i never imagine to have so many good games, exclusives and multiplatforms. The best online (xbox) is even better on the 360 (ranked matchs, player matchs, marketplace, demos, videos, xbla ACHIEVEMENTS). With some word you will now if broke my expectatios: Halo 3, GoW, Bioshock, DMC, NG, GH 2 and 3, GRAW, Cod 4, LO, LP (GoW 2, fable 2, IU, ToV). And of course the bet of all: MASS EFFECT. Expectations: 9.5/10


Since the original game boy (the brick) i never had a portable sistem until my DS. I have to say it, i bought it just for TLOZ PH, but it have been so many games than really have suprassed my expectatios. With games like Catlevania (both and the next one). MK and New super mario bros (without been a mario fan), FFCC, and of course, The world ends with you (I LOVE THIS ONE, better than zelda in my opinion). Expectations: 10/10


Like a DS owner, my spectatios for a portable console are very high. I have jut play CoD: RTV, LocoRoco, SH origins (Locoroco is the best). It has many feature, but, ir hard to use like a movie player/mp3 player/internet browser. So, with 4 months with it, i think it needs more time to be the console than i expected. Expectations: 6.5/10

End of 2011 (made 02/01/11) 
Wii: 99.453 m
Xbox 360: 67.837 m 
Ps 3: 60.726 m

Best Games/Serie of the Generation