Wyrdness said:
Because they cater to different audiences, World is similar to prior console MH while Rise is structure more like the Freedom series so more suited to what MH enthusiasts, you can't have it both ways so the result is one platform will suffer in its version. By building specifically for the platform ground up they maximized sales more than what you're suggesting as PS and NS are almost 18m sales by themselves because the people who want what World brings aren't the same as the people who want what Rise brings all your suggestion does is ignore an entire section of the fanbase and lessen potential sales instead of increasing them. |
This only makes sense in Japan, Western audiences have no idea about this key differences as World is their first game, it's the Monster Hunter they know about. As for JP audiences, Rising is selling about only half million more than World, whatever you say about gameplay seems it's not creating such substancial difference in sales between both versions
The only reason to make 2 games instead of one is if the profits of selling both games is bigger than make only one and selling them in every platform. Let's see that Capcom will do