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Oh babe things always get better, trust me. It's always really hard to understand that possibility when you are in a bad place but it truly does. I was in a terrible place a few years ago and each year kept getting a lot better and i was just astonished when i looked back at how much i've become happier. It's easy to get lost right now in this state of the world, i don't blame you. Even tho i feel a lot better than i used to, i still have my moments every now and then and i have to just push through mentally cause i want to.

I would say think about what's next for you, things you always wanted to accomplish. If you are still in school, visualize that end goal and everything positive that will come out of that. If you are an adult, are you satisfied with your routine you have lately ? It might sound stupid but to me, i'm unable to like go to bed too late all the time (like 2-3 am) or i literally become lazy and anxious and i get nothing done and feel terrible. Sometimes you can just change some little things about your daily life and it will have enough of a positive effect for you to get encouraged and get unto another thing that might need a change, one step at a time.

All i can tell you is you definitely grow out of that stronger and it makes you more understanding of the reality of others when you go through things like that.
Much love, i'm here to talk if you want x