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1 - Videogames

2 - Music

3 - Movies

4 - Women

5 - Food

6 - The beach

7 - Youtube

8 - Playing an instrument with a group of great people

9 - Travelling

10 - Spending time with the family

11 - Gardening

12 - Driving a car

There's probably way more than that. In fact my favourite thing right now is going for a run daily, didn't put on the list because people usually associate exercise with effort and work, but for me is relaxation and feeling great after.

Just to think that at 15 years I tried to kill myself, its amazing how much life changes and how much it improves, just to thing I paid off my big house already and working/saving to buy my own business maybe a snack bar or cafe. Other thing that improved immensely is I got used and enjoy being alone, back at 15 I imagined I needed a girlfriend, and its tough when you have to depend on parents and live by their rules. But once you live on your own place you can do whatever you want and just enjoy life. Another thing which is great, back then I hated school and imagined work to be, work. But if you make it something enjoyable you get used to it and that's so much better. The worst thing at 15 is the unknown, you have no idea what to do with life, you are scared, once you sort your life out, it will be so much better.

Last edited by victor83fernandes - on 10 January 2022