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Airaku said:
Mr Puggsly said:

I saw like an hour of it last night and I was confused. Not by the story, but why they decided to make this film.

I'm not the a Matrix fan per se, but I think the first movie was really good. I suspect that's all they came up with and they threw together more story after its success. Not unlike recent Star Wars movies. Reloaded and Revolution were extremely boring and didn't capture what made the original film special, but it felt like they told a complete story.

I am not sure what Resurrections needs to tell, but I literally saw over an hour of Neo remembering who he was, everybody telling him he's special and a bunch of clips from previous movies for seemingly nostalgia reasons. Again, I didn't see the entire film so I can't judge it fairly, but a lot of time was spent doing very little.

The movie actually breaks the 4th wall and tells the audience straight up why the movie was made. There's nothing be confused about.

Agent Smith tells Thomas that Warner Brothers wanted another movie of the Matrix IP and they will make it with or without the cast or crew, and if they didn't make it that they would kill their contract.

The movie actually makes multiple statements of this fashion in the movie. Literally. There's actually some behind the scenes stuff about how Warner Bros wanted to a Morpheus prequel staring Micheal B Jordan and there was much protest against WB for that decision.

I fail to understand how come any of this would make for a good story or a good film at all. I didn't ask for a pretentious film trying to look smart. I ask only for a good movie with a good story, good direction, good acting, and great action and special effects is expected from anything with the word matrix on it.

The movie had none of this, they should have ditched the old characters altogether and made a brand new Matrix trilogy with new younger actors. Casting should have been done better too, the actors for agent smith and Morpheus are nowhere near as engaging as the old actors.

Also why do they have to be smith and Morpheus, are they so lacking in intelligence that they cant make up new characters? Or a brand new story altogether? With this universe there's literally thousands of ideas that could be implemented, so many different realities and worlds they could have made up.

This was just a lazy movie made by lazy people who no original thought and no intelligence, made for a population that doesn't require movies to be good anymore. Its impressive how nowadays people will just pay a lot for a ticket and not even demand good cinema.