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Yeah they should have left it alone. But Hollywood's gonna do their thing and dig up and rehash their franchises every once in a while. I mean its not like the Matrix was well looked upon after the first film anyways a sequel to a ill received sequel will absolutely tank.

Also, apparently there were talks that WB were going to go ahead with the Matrix sequels with or without Wachowski's and Lana actually came back for this one. Unfortunately this move almost seemed like a middle finger back at WB (even referenced in the film) and instead gave us a half-hearted attempt to make a decent film despite that insane budget - which even more than Dune!

Same, its a real shame because I was really looking forward to this as well. Like the thought of seeing the aftermath of Zion, the people and machines after the war sounded really interesting and has a lot of potential. However what we ended up with was poorly made with way too many compromises.. When you have no Hugo Weaving, Laurence Fishburn or even people like Yuen Woo-ping (fighting choreographer) mia, it didn't really feel like a Matrix movie. This added almost nothing to the series. and for a lot of people (me included) more would be akin to scraping the bottom of a barrel that has already been scraped.

Last edited by hinch - on 30 December 2021