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src said:
Sogreblute said:

And there are still people out there that think PS5 is doing fine in Japan.

Meanwhile back in reality:

  • WiiU total software sales: 14,000,000
  • PS4 software sales: 60,000,000 - 70,000,000

Comparing a top 10 when we have total software sales is one way to show how bad you are analysing I guess.

  • PS5 has 1M hardware with 0.5-0.75M PS5 physical software units sold means 1-1.5M total software, which is not even including PS4 sales from PS5 owners, F2P games, and units sold overseas.
  • For comparison, PS4 sold 2.2M physical in 2014, so unlike the narrative in this thread, PS5 is not too far from PS4.

trunkswd said:

I know digital sales is much bigger than it was in 2013, but that is painful to see. It feels like Sony just gave up on Japan and is focusing on North America and Europe.

That's factually incorrect as Japan is the number 2/3 region for PS5 shipments and most of Sony's exclusive games/contracts come from Japan.

There will be another decline from PS4 to Ps5 as the numbers back up.

PS2 software was close to 10% in Japan, PS3 went to around 7-8%, then the PS4 saw a decline to around 4%, when you compared to WW totals. The PS4 saw growth in all regions regarding software and hardware but Asia.

Sony saw this and they won’t try too much with the PS5, hardware might be close to what the PS4 sold but software will be lower. It seems that the growth they made in other regions are enough for them.

Last edited by kazuyamishima - on 29 December 2021