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Family Christmas with the new gf went amazingly. She got along with my parents wonderfully, and afterwards they told me "we think we're in love with her too" and that she was "a keeper", while she had a great time as well and said it felt so warm and welcoming. She hasn't been able to return home to see her family since 2019 and this was her first time at a Christmas celebration, so it seemed to mean a lot to her.

She got my little brother who has autism and DiGeorge Syndrome a Mario mug and it's making him so happy. Nintendo is special to him too, as like me he grew up with their games and consoles. It has the Red M on the outside and on the inside to measure the height of the liquid it has Mario climbing a vine.

I swear she is the greatest.

Last edited by curl-6 - on 27 December 2021