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Kakadu18 said:

In my post I explained that I almost never had issues with the motion controls. I played the game for the first time when I was 10 years old and thoroughly enjoyed it. I played it 6 or 7 times on the Wii and I don't remember Fi ever being anywhere near as annoying as you're describing. I tend to remember the good things, not the bad or whatever. 

You seem to have gotten yourself a bit to much worked up about me not hating something you hate. You're weird.

You know people say that Navi from OoT is annoying, but I also disagree with that. I am able to enjoy a game without getting pissed by every minor inconvenience.

Edit: Also, I said "mostly".

I'm not actually THAT worked up about it. I just said that I was baffled how anyone could be surprised or taken aback by the game's negative feedback when the critique is pretty up-front and clear. 

The controls worked for you and Fi didn't bother you. MANY people found the controls either didn't work or were inconsistent and found both Navi and Fi to be some of the most annoying video game characters of all time. I'm genuinely glad you love it, and it's nice to hear that the controls worked for you. I wish I could have had that same experience because I do love Zelda and I was super duper excited to play Skyward SWord when it came out (Even forced myself to play 20 ish hours before finally giving up). My comment was to go 'waah, stop liking what I don't like' it was to say that it's a little weird that you managed to insulate yourself from the very real and very reasonable criticisms of the game. 

I bet if I was able to play the game without those two primary concerns at hand, I'd also like it. I love the idea of a linear, story-driven Zelda. I love the idea of 1:1 combat and unique gameplay mechanics. I just felt - and i'm not the only one who feels this way, clearly - that it failed at those endeavours due to the motion controls being inconsistent.

I say inconsistent instead of bad becuase clearly for some people it works; for me, it never worked properly. it took me 45 minutes just to do the 'make the eyes dizzy' puzzle in I think the first dungeon because it just wasn't working. I figured out the solution, but it didn't work. I googled the solution to make sure I was on the right path, and it was in fact the right thing to do. I youtubed a solution and yep, dude on the screen was doing the exact same thing I was, but for him it was working and for me, it was not. I tried going quicker, going slower, more obtuse circles, more acute circles, and any variation I could think. It didn't work. I just kept circling until, after 45 minutes, it just randomly worked. 20 hours and I barely made it past the fire temple because of garbage like this. 

So yeah, I'm super happy you like it and I am not and never was saying that you're not valid in your admiration, I'm just kinda taken by surprise that anyone can find the criticisms levied against the game to be unjust or confusing. they make perfect sense and are, in fact, quite reasonable critiques. 

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