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As mentioned, Asmodee is mostly about the underlying boardgames, card games, TTRPG, with video game implementations a side show.
Albeit their newer Arena product is about bringing those games into online/digital space, and many of their IPs are licenced from videogames.
But despite Embracer obviously having relatively more interest in digital angle, alot of these are IPs which need to live on their own regardless.
Many of these IPs have their own fan base which could be basis of break-out video game product, or other digital angle even if not video game as such.
And building tabletop spin-offs of their videogame IPs could be way to avoid cost of licenced IP model while building brand of IP cheaply / via lateral marketing.
Still, crazy the amount of money involved, even if Embracer HAS the financing, to actually put that much towards Asmodee seems crazy.
Even if Asmodee was incredibly successful for it's market, nobody thinks there really is that much money to be made from that niche.
Then again, there is plenty of crossover appeal, and plenty of these games could draw in wider base if made available in widely accessible format.

I think there will be concern here from Asmodee's traditional customer base that it will end up with forced digital microtransactions or the like.
Although if they are happy to leave the classic formats to do their thing, the same people could be happy to have stable funding and stewardship of IP.
The niche (or niches) of "online tabletop simulator/interface" (which can have varying scope of ambition/implementation) is pretty hot in "tabletop" space.
(I'm involved in some games which are heavily adjacent to Asmodee's niche, and/or connected via their distribution business)

Last edited by mutantsushi - on 17 December 2021