Leynos said: Sony and MS are spending boatloads on studios but the one with the best first-party only bought one small studio early this year. Nintendo. Not all their IPs appeal to me but they still continue to be masters of their craft and nearly all from internal studios. I find a lot of design issues with Sony and MS's outings. Not saying bad just not as good as the budget they pour into them. |
There is a lot of crossover between XB/PS gamers and Nintendo gamers. But, the people playing them are really the only similarity between most of the Ninty lineup and that of the 4K Twins. Nintendo does not even attempt to be technologically cutting-edge. They don't even have a real home console anymore. They essentially do not make shooters or traditional sports games at all, which leaves them out of two of the most popular categories. The list goes on and on.
I've owned every Ninty system (almost every major system from anybody since the Atari 2600), and I very much enjoy some of Nintendo's games But, I don't think they can really be compared to XB and PS. They're just barely in the same business. In fact, we're even starting to see some divergence between Sony and MS, at least in terms of their distribution models (and those differing models are likely to lead to differences in game design in the long term). So, while their products are all sold in the same stores, or the same sections of stores, it is increasingly important that we recognize the large and growing differences between these companies. They're going to be less and less similar as time goes on.
To bring it back on topic: comparing the budgets spent on software development between Ninty and XB/PS is about as good a comparison as comparing the fuel consumption of a compact car to the world's largest dump truck. They're not doing the same job, so the comparison is pointless.