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Here's what I have played on the Series X (screenshot from TrueAchievements from time of release of Series X).  I haven't had a chance to complete them all, but I have noticed an uptick in the amount of gaming hours I have invested this year.  I would guess the X has consumed over a month of my life this year calculated at 24 hour days.  The reduced loading times and quick resume are now things I would refuse to part with.  The increased performance and visuals for older titles makes it feel like I'm not playing a dated game.  

It was the quick resume on the Switch that got me wanting it on the home consoles.  

I do have the 1TB expansion storage card and a 4TB green xbox external hard drive for moving my games out of the way that I don't need quick access to.

I normally don't purchase more than one extra controller at a time but I couldn't help it.


This is my setup when I'm not hooked into the theater projector.

I'm currently using the blue one with a silicone cover skin for additional comfort.  The black controller that came with the console got about 7 months of use and still works well but I could feel the extra play in the joysticks that was starting to develop and I had the B button that always seemed a bit wonky on it (felt like I had to press it harder than the other buttons).  My current one is working flawlessly.  The White, Red, and 20th anniversary one have not been used.

Here is the additional storage.  The green drive I purchased about 2 years ago to use on the One X, but I never used it.  This is it's debut.  The 1TB card was a must have for me.  I don't play 1 game and finish it, and then play another.  I usually jump around from game to game depending on who I'm playing with online or what mood I'm in.

I'm hoping that this will future proof me for the rest of the generation.  I'm sure I will remove games from storage as I fully complete them.

I normally don't invest this much on any one console except for games, but I am enjoying it quite a lot.  The exclusives are finally starting to roll out which is nice, but I also have plenty of 3rd parties to choose from and a massive backlog.  I am not hurting for games at the moment.  And going back to the "backlog", I have Cyberpunk and Witcher 3 that I haven't played yet still wrapped in plastic waiting for the Series X updated versions.  

Looking forward to my 2nd year with the device with Halo Infinite Campaign, Tiny Tina's Wonderland, Elden Ring, and Starfield.  To heck with the haters, I'm still going to get Diablo 2.  Dang I just looked at my shelf and there is a ton more games backlogged (no point in naming them all). Currently playing Forza Horizon 5, this game is a whole bunch of eye candy, and I'm finding myself enjoying it way more than I though I would.  I had trouble getting into Forza Horizon 4 and gave it up. I will probably revisit it though.  I've only played a couple of matches so far in Halo Infinite Multi-player (just sampled) but once I get dedicated to it, the hours will tick by.  

On the 1-10 scale, I will give my experience so far a high 8 or low 9.  A 10 wouldn't leave room for improvement and I feel my best experiences are still yet to come. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.