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drbunnig said:
Supermario28 said:
Hint 1: The final Boss of this game is.... Baby Bowser
Hint 2: Not yoshi's Island nor Yoshi's wooly world, but close

Edit @drbunnig : incorrect

I guess we'll have to work through the series... Yoshi's Story?

Yes that's the one!

Mnementh said:
UnderwaterFunktown said:

More hints!

39) Despite being released in the same year its console was replaced, it might be the game people most associate with it

#39: I don't know why Supermario added part 2, as the original TLOU was at the end of PS3s life.

Well, part 2 was released the same year ths PS4 was replaced, and for some reason TLOU is more of a PS4 game than a PS3 fame in my head

Mnementh said:

Supermario28 said:48.
Hint 2: This NPC also stars in Smash Ultimate

Saying a character of the game is in Smash, is a non-hint at this point, as everyone is here!

Supermario28 said:
Hint 1: This game released on two consoles. The two releases were 7 years apart and the latest release saw some levels and features added. The franchise got a spin-off recently
Hint 2: It's a real-time strategy game

Wait, that is Pikmin! I have a hard time deciding which one, as both the first and the third got a rerelease 7 years later on the next console. I go out on a limb and say you mean Pikmin 3, as this got all the DLC levels, while New Play Control on the Wii only added Wiimote support and some other features, but as far as I remember not new levels.

YES! Pikmin 3, good thinking! I didn't really realize the hint suited the first Pikmin too!

Zippy6 said:
Supermario28 said:

#40 is Forza Horizon 3!

#37 could be Nintendo World Cup? 

Yep 40 is right, never heard of Nintendo World Cup!

Well... you scored goals WAY faster than Fifa.