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EricHiggin said:

Choosing not to get vaccinated is now further hurting the economy and quality of life for all.

Alcohol is more widely available again, since it's so 'healthy', and not all speed limits are the same worldwide, and some roads still don't have limits.

We're also improving some people's health with the vax, and smoking, driving, and the environment still cause plenty of problems and will continue to.

Vax at birth is to help the individual, which in turn can vastly help the whole for certain specific illnesses.

The only difference is instead of being offered a shot, like the flu, covid is basically being forced on everyone. Think of all the people who've died since the flu shot was available, and all that had to be done was force everyone worldwide to take it. Why hasn't that still happened? All we had to do was wait for covid to show up and it got rid of the flu and common cold anyway, until it decides to reappear apparently. Why don't we just offer optional covid shots and just wait for the next thing to come along and make covid disappear?

Everyone is always potentially endangering someone else. Thinking you can be in public and be risk free doesn't and won't ever exist on Earth as humans.

Have they figured out exactly how covid came to be? Is the vax pass really because some people won't get jabbed? It would also be the perfect transition method to a social credit card/pass. One that everyone has to abide by worldwide. That doesn't sound like, 'go do whatever you want over there' to me.

The brainiacs in Gov are the reason the economy is hurting and yes it's diminishing everyone's quality of life.

Keep on stretching your arguments, however facts are not backing you up. See the post above, "The regions with the highest infection rates are also the ones with the lowest vaccination rates in Germany." and that's not just in Germany, and also applies to the hospitalization and death rates.

How much evidence do you need?

And btw "That's like saying a video gaming addiction has nothing to do with how fun the games are."

That's a true statement, although little instead of nothing. Video game addiction is dopamine addiction.
Which comes from all the little rewards that game companies exploit so well in loot boxes etc. Which is why governments are now starting to regulate these things. Grinding in games is not fun game play, but it is addictive. The most fun games are those you play together with friends, the most addictive are those you grind on your own. Dangerously over eating has little to do with the taste of food.

When I see my kid get 'addicted' to one of those Roblox 'click' 'click' 'click' games to see numbers increase I always ask him, are you having fun. Then after a bit he acknowledges that, no it's actually not fun. He and his nephew actually have auto clickers installed to click for them and leave it running to see what the numbers have gotten up to after getting back from school. That's not fun, but they sure know how to get kids addicted.

Currently he's building in Minecraft again, left Roblox behind. The dopamine reward of creating things is at least something I can get behind. And he plays it moderately as all that planning and building actually takes effort and makes him take a break. The older one is addicted to Rust, playing with his school friends online. At least he's playing with his friends, and he admits solo, it's not a fun game. And easy to walk away from since the server resets every month, you lose everything anyway by design. But certainly something to keep an eye on.

In the latest fun developments, we're now going to send 11 million rapid test kits to schools to take home over the holidays for voluntary self testing. Unreliable tests with the idea that giving everyone 5 self test kits is going to even out the results... Imo, might as well burn that money. It would be more useful to work on better ventilation standards. (In my oldest's classroom it was a fan in a window, the fan broke down and now it's freezing outside...)

One story of the many

Austria breaking the way to vaccine mandates

Austria announced a new national lockdown and a plan to mandate vaccinations as coronavirus infections hit a record high Friday, forcing the government to walk back promises that such blanket shutdowns were a thing of the past.

Imposing a mandate would give Austria one of the world's most stringent vaccine requirements. Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg said those who didn't comply would likely be fined but gave no other details.

The moves come as vaccinations in Austria have plateaued at one of the lowest rates in Western Europe and as hospitals in heavily hit states have warned that their intensive care units are reaching capacity.