I'm late
#50 It's a remake of a Neogeo game. I actually don't think the game itself has enough value to make the top 50, but I realize I've played the franchise far too much to just ignore it in my list
#49 It's an incredible cute real time strategy game that just got an mobile branch this year.
#48 It's a classic 3D platforming masterpiece that suffers from a far too much dated controls and camera for me to dare putting in any high :/ It was one of the best games ever made when originally released though
#47 It was the mainstream breakthrough from a very old Strategic RPG franchise know for being unfairly hard. I've just replayed the game this year and got surprised because my memories from it was far better game, but still a very solid title with a very solid system even if not that well balanced
#46 It's my representative of the most famous RPG franchise. Their games are too similar to waste more positions in the ranking and this is probably my favorite, having a lot of post game content and being released in a time when the character design was actually creative