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Farsala said:
Runa216 said:

My #50 involves both Ninjas and Dinosaurs.

Sounds a bit like Spyro Year of the Dragon?


mZuzek said:

Alright, it's time to have the next one guessed.

#49 - It's an open-world game made by a really small team.
Hint 2 - It has been infamously compared to Nintendo 64 games by a certain VGC user.

Yooka-Laylee? Kinda open world, in a manner of speaking. 

50 - It involves Dinosaurs and Ninjas and cavemen! 

49 - It's a mega-popular but mega-controversial title that elicits memories of Britain's escape from the EU.

48 - Revolutionary in many ways, too bad its creator is a bit of a pseudo-nazi. 

47 - I can recreate 78% of this game in another game on the list, and it is a sequel itself. 

46 - A Switch rerelease of a game most people think is boring and derivative but I feel is the best in its subseries.

45 - This was the game that made me realize that short =/= bad. Can be beaten in an hour or two, still not boring. 

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