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He played 2 hours while high and those 2 hours were mostly stuck in one part that is 30 minutes into the game. Jaffe favors leading the player everywhere and handholding. He wants the game to tell him what to do and where to go because that's a more modern approach and why a lot of games suffer from icon litter and button prompts and shit. He is the modern gamer and the modern game journalist. He doesn't know actual great game design. He made a more popular Rygar on PS2. yay... sorry it doesn't hold water to keep bringing up a PS2 game that has its own problems. Once the 90s and 2000s edglord shit wore off he hasn't been too relevant. Him being so clueless on Metroid Dread is the most attention he's had in years. His last game was an edge lord POS that no one played. He really hasn't done anything since the PS2 era of note.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!