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Retrasado said:
SpartanFX said:
gebx said:
leo-j said:
Awsome so its down from 8gb to 4 GB =/

I honestly dont see why the game needs any install at all, its a fighter.


Blu Ray drive too slow??

Like you said, its a fighter, so why would it need an install unless the Blu Ray drive has some technical flaw that we don't know about.

lot's of games don't require install and they run and look awesome like uncharted,burnout paradise,etc...


so your argument is flawed,,,some of the devs are up to speed and some still are not.


Blu ray just like any new technology (DVD in 97-99)  has a learning curve.

beat me too it.

OT: At least we now officially know that it doesn't require 9GB to play...




Shouldn't that only be used when users reply within a couple minutes to each other and not 14 hours later??

OT - I never thought of it this way but what if the developers just don't care about the install size? Why is it so bad from a developing point of view to have a large install size? Its only really a pain for the gamers to have to make a sandwich before installing a new game.

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