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I'm starting to see why this game has a reputation for being so hard; minute to minute gameplay is very manageable but holy moly these bosses don't f-ck around.

The amount of damage they can soak up combined with the huge amount of damage they do to you in a even a single hit makes them extremely unforgiving. I haven't met one yet that I couldn't conquer, but I do find myself wishing they were just a little bit less spongey and hard-hitting. Also not a huge fan of the fact that your normal shots are pretty much useless and missile spam is the only way to do effective DPS.

Anywho, reached Ghavoran and Elun. Really loved the art direction and vibe of the former area in particular. The pacing is fantastic, I reached two new areas, got two new abilities, and beat two bosses in a 40 minute stretch, it really feels like you're constantly making meaningful progress.