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Obviously he's a piece of shit human. Nobody hopefully is denying that. World War II is not a subject I take lightly and for anyone to deny any war crimes of any kind is a cold hearted waste of space.

But I'd be lying if I said I didn't owe a lot to his compositions. I've learned that a lot of things we love can be made by terrible people so I try to separate the man from his work. Dragon Quest 8's soundtrack remains one of the greatest videogame soundtracks I know and I learned to play an piano by desperately wanting to learn Dragon Quest Music. His music was legendary, he literally changed video game music forever. But his thoughts were evil.

I do wonder who takes on Dragon Quest's soundtracks from here on out. He probably has a successor picked out but man what if Uematsu or Mitsuda composed for a Dragon Quest game. And we'll probably get Orchestrated Soundtracks from the get go from now on. No more butt trumpets.

Last edited by Ljink96 - on 07 October 2021