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Kakadu18 said:
Pinkie_pie said:

Software wise its looking really bad in Japan but we dont really know for sure because of digital. If we look at the 3 PS5 exclusives, Returnal, Ratchet and Demon Souls, all selling around 20k in Japan but worldwide they are doing well over 1 million

Returnal didn't sell over a million though, at least yet.

It's definitely a combination of different factors. Digital share, scalping etc. But it still looks terrible. My bet is that at least 300k consoles have been sold abroad.

Considering RE8's digital share wasn't high I think we can rule out digital in general being over 50%. Afaik used game sales didn't grow either.

Returnal if not a million yet then its very close id think. They announced 500-600k sold a few months ago. I got a digital ps5 just before Ratchet released and thats the only ps5 game i bought. I also bought a dozen or so digital ps4 games and replaying ps4 games with free ps5 upgrades and i think thats the main reason people are buying the ps5. We dont really know if ps5 consoles being sold aboard just because retail software sales looks terrible. I was in Japan in 2016 and 2018 and i know their Internet connectivity is great and houses are small so storing a pile of blu ray cases is inconvenient. It wouldnt surprised me if the majority of ps5 games sales are digital