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Captain_Yuri said:
AsGryffynn said:

That would require a custom solution. It comes around in the office every so often and I have to remind everyone we already have more projects than we can juggle and are running low on disposable money regardless... 

Well I am not saying they need to do that asap. But if they are successful, they should do something like that as while Framework laptop is interesting enough, Dell XPS 15/17 laptops are already quite repairable/up-gradable while having quite the premium feel, especially with the tiny bezels. Plus, Framework can already sort of do it by allowing you to replace the motherboard which houses the CPU and you can technically upgrade from an i5 to an i7 by only needing to replace the motherboard. If they can somehow expand on that and say, 4 years down the line, give gen 1 users an upgrade path even if they need to replace the motherboard, then I think that would still be plenty.

IIRC some GPU solutions would allow some of the larger ultrabooks to pack desktop GPUs and stay within the acceptable temperature averages so long as you didn't mind huge and bulky laptops. 

You would still rely almost exclusively on your own skills to deshroud the GPU and slot it into the special shroud though, and it would be woefully finnicky AF and start getting frustrating after a while if you found out the GPU you managed to get your hands on didn't fit the shroud. 

Either that, or companies start selling mobile GPUs... 

Captain_Yuri said:

So I did manage to get my Moms phone backed up... Thanks to Google Drive! Thank you Apple, Thank you Tim Cook...

Even though as far as I know, GD sucks balls and AD was never good. I use iCloud services mostly for the email (convenient enough) and shit I don't mind loosing but would rather keep around if possible. 

I rely mostly on an ungodly fusion of Mega and iMazing, with some JB to read and text/use iMessage on my Wintel machines.