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for anyone who plays a real guitar those things are just too dam small, but I´m not one of the people who will say it sux just because its not the real deal, I know some hardcore FPS fans who love guitar hero just to cool down a little, nice that Nintendo is getting lots of stuff the 360 and PS3 are getting. I hope the motion sencors let you do some ZZ Top style moves for extra points, would definitly add some challenge.

Another thing I can´t belive is that ther is no aerobics-dance style game for the Wii yet, I was playing WarioWare the other day and there is one challenge where you have to schacke it with 3 other dancers on the screen and follow their movement, first I thought oh boy this will be corny, but is was really fun and not eazy at all, throw some strap-on weights for your arms and legs in and you´d have a winner.

....dam now I can´t get the musik from that challenge out of my head.......must resist the rythm.......must not schacke it.......oh what the hell nobody can see me

actually I hate aerobics but when packed into a funn challenging game I´d love about everything, I just can´t help it