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Metallox said:

Harshhhhh... You're not wrong, though. But in fairness, Shikamaru doesn't go out without highlighting a few real problems that absolutely need to change in the landscape. For one thing, this shows us that parents need to be more involved in their children's online habits and overall upbringing. More communication is needed. At the same time, children should be insisted again and again that getting obsessed over one thing isn't good. I'm not a social educator or anything of the sort, but I think if you bring strong foundations for your children, the less chances there are for them to go towards undesired paths. Easier said than done, however, but the possibility will always be there. For Shikamaru it wasn't as simple as "being unable to moderate himself", he had rough circumstances. 

Furthermore, when Shikamaru says "porn causes x", that's where he's certainly wrong. As you already said, pornography doesn't cause anything, it's all on people. In that sense, we have to find the ways for people to stop developing unrealistic expectations for body proportions and stop seeing others as mere objects even if they watch porn; or in other words, consume it responsibly.

Oh, absolutely! There are very real problems in porn and the fact that it's so taboo makes it hard to get regulation on the industry and too few are willing to speak out. Abuse is or at least can be rampant and given the nature of the work, it's far harder to get help. 

And people in this thread that speak out against porn and try to judge without context are exactly why that remains such a problem. 

Furthermore, the reason people are so up in arms about OnlyFans banning explicit contentis because it was one of the few platforms that WAS making major strides towards fixing or at least alleviating the problems in porn. By normalizing sex work and putting the power in the hands of the performers ahead of the producers and any shady executives, they were making positive change in this world. them going back on that goal and pivoting their design is a huge blow for the industry in this regard. 

On the flip side, all industries are susceptible to abuse from higher-ups. We're on a gaming website, we know better than most how shitty EA and Activision and Rockstar can be to their employees. How is that any different? Gaming can be just as addictive and just as harmful to those who make the games, yet it doesn't have that social taboo so people tend to brush over the worst parts or go 'eeh, it's not all too bad, just go to a different employer' or something. Abuse happens everywhere, in every industry. Porn is not special or unique, it just has a different perception by the common consumer. 

I really feel normalization of sex work as performers and yeah, escorts/prostitutes should be a focus. It happened in Denmark and a few other nations like the Netherlands and sex workers there are treated remarkably well. There are government-supported health care checks, protections, and respect in the industry. AS long as sex works remains illegal and not regulated or protected, it will always be open to abuse. OnlyFans and other self-publishing services did a lot to help with that over the years. 

People like Enrico and Padib and Ghost Boy are all exactly why we can't have nice things. their need to judge and control what other mature adults do with their time is why these behaviours have persisted for so long. Their personal experiences have led them to feel like they have the moral high ground and they don't. That's why I get so angry about this. If their stance was "I don't like porn so I won't watch" or "I feel sex should be for procreation and thus I will not have sex until I am married", those are completely legitimate stances on the matter. 

The moment they said 'so the world would be better off without it' or 'it's bad and you should feel bad'....well, I don't have any desire to let those sorts of comments lie without responses. 

Ethics are quite straight forward. consenting adults get to decide what they like and what they don't like. It's nobody's job to decide what they can or cannot do. all things have potential to be abused, all activities can be addictive, all hobbies can control your life, and all people should have the right to make that decision for themselves as long as those decisions do not directly, negatively impact others. That really should be the end of the discussion in terms of ethics or morality. 

If I make porn, and someone sees it and doesn't like what they see, that's not my fault. If one person is offended by the act of another, it's not their job to decide what the other person does. Everyone is in charge of their own destiny. If I wanna make porn you don't want to see, you're welcome to not see it. the moment someone tells me I'm immoral for doing something that makes me happy, pays my bills, and makes countless other people happy just because they personally find it revolting, that's on them and that's where their opinion on the matter should stay. 

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