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Runa216 said:

So, because you were unable to moderate yourself, that's somehow reason enough to judge everyone else who enjoys it, even if they do so healthily and safely? 

That sounds like you projecting your problems onto others more than an actual, reasonable response to something that is at its core harmless. Video Games can be just as addictive and impacting if you don't know how to moderate yourself. Literally every form of recreation can be harmful if you don't moderate yourself. Porn is no different; like I said in an earlier post, you're putting a harsher burden of value on porn which says more about your views on taboos than the actual impact of it. 

Some people are dangerously addicted to gambling, or thrill-seeking, or gaming, or junk food, or dozens of other things that can take over your lives even without the use of drugs, but you don't judge someone for gaming or skydiving. You only want to intervene when it gets to be too controlling or harmful. The fact that so many people don't understand that balance with pornography/casual sex tells me it's not about actual concern, but an excuse to be judgy and puritanical. 

Porn can be just as damaging as anything else, but it can also be wonderful, fun, relaxing, and healthy. You can't project your demons onto others. 

Harshhhhh... You're not wrong, though. But in fairness, Shikamaru doesn't go out without highlighting a few real problems that absolutely need to change in the landscape. For one thing, this shows us that parents need to be more involved in their children's online habits and overall upbringing. More communication is needed. At the same time, children should be insisted again and again that getting obsessed over one thing isn't good. I'm not a social educator or anything of the sort, but I think if you bring strong foundations for your children, the less chances there are for them to go towards undesired paths. Easier said than done, however, but the possibility will always be there. For Shikamaru it wasn't as simple as "being unable to moderate himself", he had rough circumstances. 

Furthermore, when Shikamaru says "porn causes x", that's where he's certainly wrong. As you already said, pornography doesn't cause anything, it's all on people. In that sense, we have to find the ways for people to stop developing unrealistic expectations for body proportions and stop seeing others as mere objects even if they watch porn; or in other words, consume it responsibly.

My bet with The_Liquid_Laser: I think the Switch won't surpass the PS2 as the best selling system of all time. If it does, I'll play a game of a list that The_Liquid_Laser will provide, I will have to play it for 50 hours or complete it, whatever comes first.