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EnricoPallazzo said:
padib said:

Heroine isn't addictive either. Don't tell that to heroine addicts at a Narcotics Anonymous but it's true (because I say so).

Sometimes I think porn users are the new pot users. In the past it was almost impossible to have a proper conversation with them, with all that crap about its harmless, you cant be addicted, its just a natural weed from nature therefore cant harm you etc. Today things have changed and we have a lot of info about it and its starting to be possible to have a proper conversation with them. I have seen it first hand with my brother and the problems that pot addiction can cause for some of it's users.

I believe it will be the same with porn in the future. 

What are you even on about here? Pot is harmless and it's virtually impossible to overdose. Like literally any foreign chemical it can have addictive properties and can cause harm if overused, just like literally everything else in the world. 

Again, you're putting far too large of a burden of value on porn and casual sex, here. You're applying standards to it that you wouldn't apply to other forms of recreation despite the arguments being nearly identical. Just like everything else in this world that we do for fun, doing so in moderation can be completely healthy and normal and beneficial. There is nothing special about porn, just that we have this idea that it's adults only (seriously, you won't meet someone who hit puberty that hasn't looked) and thus there's this concern trolling about 'what about the children' narrative. 

You need to understand that many things in this world are completely safe and not harmful if you enjoy them responsibly. For someone who seems to hate the idea of governmental control (but muh freedums), you seem to have a hard-on for telling others what harmless recreation they can enjoy. 

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