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dark_gh0st_b0y said:

it's just an opinion from personal experience, in the end of the day it all comes down to what kind of person you are deep inside

and there are many people like me - and many will be dragged into the pornohorror for no reason because it is overpromoted as being "good for everyone" but it's not, some people get hurt from the pornified society and there's no way around it

I don't expect anyone to agree especially here, I know the demographics of this place well, I'm just expressing my opinion and experience :)

Well…. you also use the science card. And I bet your demographic has a religious background, which we know very well. It is nice being a high horse isn’t it. 

Why do many here sound like entitled children who want to live in a temptation-free bubble? Do they think they’ll have more time to do other things in their life? I bet not, there is always someone or something to blame.