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Metallox said:
AngryLittleAlchemist said:

Eh, 2's soundtrack was certainly good, but it paled in comparison to 1 and to be honest from what I've heard (which is quite a bit, though I haven't personally played it) X's soundtrack is a lot better than 2's as well. 

I honestly feel like just going for the same style over and over and over again is just going to draw comparisons to the original, which has such a timeless soundtrack and shouldn't be the goal. If ACE+ changes styles for 3 that would be sick, or if they are somehow able to top 1's OST with a similar style that would be neat, but I think the latter is just super hard and the former might not happen if they just get the same group again. 

I'd agree if we were only talking about battle themes, and also the main and ending tracks, but I've always felt other songs from 2 are amazing standouts, especially the area ones. Uraya's day theme, Alba Cavanich's night, Spirit Crucible Elpys, the LEFTHERIA themes, godammit. The Leftheria songs are among my favorite video game pieces, period. Walking With You and its instrumental version, Desolation, are beautiful, too. So are various of the tracks that play just before the ending (no, not talking about One Last You). Those are memorable to me than the vast majority of the original's soundtrack, even though I do concede that it has the most bangers. Even Riki's theme is cool. 

I think both have area themes that aren't as good as their battle themes, from what I remember. I think they get a bit formulaic. It's been longer since I've played 2 for example, but when I played 1 I remember finding the dynamic of the day and night themes a bit generic. The night them was always just a slower version of the day theme, with a relaxed atmosphere and usually some kind of piano. Again, the themes were good themselves, but they suffered from being part of a formula. I think the areas themes can be a good example of how something simply being "beautiful" or "epic" isn't always as important as being interesting and intriguing. 

That being said, I feel like Gaur Plains, Sword Valley, and especially Satorl Marsh daytime (super underrated) are better than any of the area themes in 2. Again, from what I can remember.