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LurkerJ said:

is it figured out at all why mRNA vaccines cause myocarditis? Lots of people get mild myocarditis throughout their lives without even knowing they had one (we now that because some of those present years later with cardiomyopathy that is put down to a previous viral infection). While AZ is the Russian vaccines are great, it is expected (theoretically) that they will generate weaker and weaker responses because the body will attack the adenovirus that carries the spike proteins before the body gets to mount any measurable immune response to the spike protein, leaving the mRNA vaccines as much better candidates to be the "booster" vaccines. But if everyone is going to get it yearly, it is important to get figure out why myocarditis happen or we (theoretically) may end up with a good number of patients with bad hearts because of the vaccines.

Dr. JohnCampbell has a theory, that it might be due to some people getting vaccinated where they either hit a vein, or miss the muscle.
This would allow the vaccine to flow either in direct bloodstream, or just move around more easily than in muscle, to eventually reach other places of the body, in larger amounts than wanted (ei. heart, as its a pump where blood passes through).  Then the heart becomes inflamed, and your immune system is fighting it's battle, with the vaccine there, instead of in your arm.

He wants there to be a procedure, were you check after the jab, by drawing in blood, before pushing the vaccine in, to know if your actually inside the muscle. Apparently basically non that vaccinate do this, so its not unthinkable that a few people with the needle fumble it, occasionally, which could lead to these outcomes.

Apart from that, apparently this "light" myocarditis, usually goes away without any lasting damage.
However, thats under the assumption, that you dont strain your heart, with say hard workouts, and such (which could lead to easier tearing, punctures ect).

So he also wants people told, after getting vaccinated, your not allowed to stress your body for a week or two.
Basically go relax, dont do any hard labour or workouts.

This would basically all but iliminate the mydocarditis haveing lasting effects from vaccine shots (which is already very rare).

Also theres worse drawbacks with the non mRNA ones.
Strokes and blood clots, and brain damage ect.... which is why they recammend useing one of the mRNA ones, for younger people.


"...we (theoretically) may end up with a good number of patients with bad hearts because of the vaccines."

^ non issue, when not getting vaccinated, does the same and worse. When you get corona.
Plenty of people, will have lasting damage to their bodies from corona.This will be a issue for the next 20-30years likely, with spikes in people with diabetes because of it, people needing glasses, and a whole slew of other things.

Apparently they studied peoples intelligence after contracting covid, and found people hospitalised, had a drop of like 5 points of IQ. Which is apparently significant, its worse than people that suffer a stroke, and get mild brain damage.

Corona can damage your heart, kidneys, lunges, testies, and more, it goes everywhere and wrecks, and alot of it is permanent.
Get the vaccine, dont get a bad case of the rona = profit.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 08 August 2021