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SvennoJ said:
Runa216 said:

No moral question at all: If you are physically capable of getting the vaccine, get the shot. We have plenty of laws in place that people have to abide by for the collective health and safety of the common good, why would this be any different? Folks gotta drive speed limits, obey OHSA regulations, aren't allowed to drink and drive and have to wear seatbelts, you have to be licensed to do a tonne of dangerous things, etc. 

If you're capable of getting a vaccine, it should be mandatory. This 'my body my decision' argument makes sense on the surface but is grossly damning because it's not just your body. Just like it's not just you who's in danger if you drive drunk or operate heavy machinery without a license. If this truly was something that ONLY affected you and had no chance of affecting someone else in any negative way, sure! But that's not the reality of the situation. As long as not getting vaxxed does have a potential impact on others, it should be mandatory. Fullstop. This is not an ethical quandry, it's about as straightforward as can be. 

And the fact that people have actually convinced others that it's an issue of morals or personal liberty makes me sick to my stomach. This is just selfishness and ego and brazen heartlessness towards others masquerading as a battle for freedom. 

Doctors are actively recommending plenty of people (with underlying conditions) not to take the vaccine. The ethical question is, do you put these people in danger by letting the virus 'go' while many people that can get the vaccine don't have it yet.

However although you can make lock downs mandatory, it seems you can't make vaccinations mandatory? It's also a grey area whether you can prevent people access from certain things without a vaccine. That seems only possible at the border, only letting vaccinated people in. Work places can mandate vaccinations (with exceptions) though so I guess it has to come from employers.

Actually Turkmenistan is the first country to make it mandatory for all 18+
Turkmenistan’s vaccine laws will be the strictest in the world, surpassing those of Saudi Arabia, which since March has operated a broad “no jab, no job” policy in both public and private sectors.

It's freedom on the individual (vaccinated or not) vs freedom of the group (lock down restrictions, having to isolate)

Just get vaccinated unless your doctor tells you not to.

That's the thing though... I know a doctor personally and he has advised me not to get it.

He knows other doctors, nurses etc that are waiting too. The general consensus in their group is that it's simply too soon to know the long term effects. Vaccines usual take a substantial longer time to develop and this one has been fast tracked for... well, obvious reasons. Could be as bad or worse as covid's long term effects. Primary case being the AstraZenica jab with the blood clotting.

What's going to happen to people in a year or 2? 5? 

I'm not eligible yet but I might just wait. I'm not an anti vaxer, in fact I was rather keen to get it up until recently when I bumped into him at a mutual friends 30th Bday party.