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June's Completions

Angelus | Arch Adonias

Dishonored: Death of the Outsider1.71

Total points earned: 1

Barozi | Gerbasgamer

Pillars of Eternity 2 (win10)1.020
Mount & Blade: Warband (win10)1.050
Minecraft Caves and Cliffs pt17.017
Need for Speed2.12
Rise of Insanity1.10

Total points Earned: 11

DerpySquirtle64 | DRPSquirtle64

Nier Replicant2.22

Total Points Earned: 2

ice | PHO3N1X DOWN

Sea of thieves: Haunted Shores10.410
Borderlands 3 - Director's Cut2.82
Sea of Thieves - A Pirate's Life7.57

Total Points Earned: 19

Kenjab | LockedArrow1311

The Wild at Heart2.62

Total Points Earned: 2

KiigelHeart | KiigelHeart

Sea of Thieves - Season two8.88
State of Decay 2 - Lethal Zone8.88
State of Decay 2 - Plague Territory11.710

Total Points Earned: 26

Libara | Libara

Metro Exodus - The Two Colonels2.62

Total Points Earned: 3

LudicrousSpeed | Cpt RonCod

Dead by Daylight - ALL-KILL8.68
Dead by Daylight - Resident Evil3.63
Hood: Outlaws and Legends3.03

Total Points Earned: 14

Mike321 | AlphaMike321

Resident Evil 2: Another Survivor1.71

Total Points Earned: 1

NobleTeam360 | Paine

Overwatch: Year of the OX8.38

Total Points Earned: 8

SliferCynDelta | Spade

Sea of Thieves - Haunted Shores10.410
Sea of Thieves - A Pirate's Life7.57
Forza Horizon 4 - update #232.32

Total Points Earned: 19

Versus Evil | VersusEvil

Metro Exodus2.42

Total Points Earned: 2

Rest of the update later today :)