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BraLoD said:
Shaunodon said:

Switch is already the cheapest current-gen system, with by far the best library of games. No idea why it needs to be cheaper still, but this is obviously just relative to you and your subjective needs/wants.

Subjectively speaking for myself, someone could just hand me a PS5 right now, and I'd still be 50/50 on whether I'd want to clear the one spot on my media shelf it could actually fit comfortably, or if I'd just flog it off to a family member that would get more from it.

If only Sony could release a PS5 model that's more practical...

LOL, trying to bring Sony into a Nintendo thread to defend it seems like a common play right now.

It's ok, the Switch Oled being priced over a Series S makes complete sense, right? :D

Nintendo has really no reason to pursue better pricing policies indeed, some will defend everything they ever do instead of wanting them to do better.

I mean, you were the person who first mentioned the PS5 and pricing. Whichever thread you go to, Sony just seems to naturally follow.

I only pointed out that the price issues were all relative to you and your interests, and that relatively for me, a PS5 could be $500 or $1 and it wouldn't have much effect on my desire to get one right now.

Maybe you're concerned about the next Switch model (a Switch Pro is very unlikely) or Nintendo system being priced like a PS5, but there's no reason anyone should until we actually know what the system is or offers. The Xbox One X as a mid-gen upgrade was priced high but offered a substantial increase in performance compared to PS4 Pro, just for example.

But there's no reason to think Nintendo would try to enter the power race with the twins, or price their next system to match, so that was just a phantom concern made so you could arbitrarily mention the PS5 here, along with generic complaints about Nintendo's pricing and policies.

ZyroXZ2 said:
mZuzek said:

Why is it a matter of "defending" Nintendo? There is nothing to defend or attack here. They announced a new hardware revision that does not affect me or you or anyone. It has no effect. Wanna buy it, buy it. Don't want to, don't. I agree the price is too high but it does not matter to anyone because it doesn't change the price of the product that was already there.

Nintendo does a lot of anti-consumer shit, but this is absolutely not it.

Edit: what's funniest here to me is how your side of the argument, the "non-Nintendo apologists", is angry at the fact that Nintendo has not announced a product that'd make you give Nintendo money. Yet my side, who is apparently "Nintendo apologists", is happy that they've given me no reason to give them more money.

Therein lies the very issue with Nintendo (and Sony) fanbases: don't like it, don't buy it *then goes and buys it themselves*.  Maybe that's not YOU, or a smaller subset of more tech savvy people in gaming, but for some damned reason, it's always "it doesn't affect you".  Yes, yes it DOES affect me and all of us because it's basic supply and demand which includes pricing: if people are buying up the Switch OLED, it sends the message that Nintendo CAN do the bare minimum and still charge a premium.  What do you think happens if the Switch OLED sells well?  That Switch 2 is going to end up another overpriced, underperforming piece of hardware.  All because "it doesn't affect you", but it absolutely will.

I'm pretty sure most of the people you're arguing with here had already stated they're not buying one. For the record, neither am I.

If anything, a lot of the people in this thread have been glad they don't have to think about upgrading or buying new hardware. I'm somewhat in that camp, as after Xbox and PS failed to really sell me on their next-gen status at E3, I figured the only system I'd be tempted to upgrade to this year was a theoretical 'Switch 4k'.