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ZyroXZ2 said:
Shiken said:

The entire premise of a more notably  powerful Switch was based off of Nintendo copying what Sony and MS did with the Pro and One X.  But when you stop and consider that Nintendo doesn't follow the strategies of the the other two, it should be no suprise that the rumors turned out to be...rumors.

So really, it has more to do with thinking logically instead of relying on rumors and getting caught up it hype than it does being an "apologist".  Especially when Nintendo's most successful devices have always been behind in power anyway, as is the case with Switch as well.

Now I am not saying it is wrong to desire a more powerful Switch, but to call someone an "apologist" for not getting their hopes up from rumors and remembering what company we are talking about is a bit much.

I don't think that's a bit much at all, because I've seen (again, globally, y'all keep assuming I just mean here on VGChartz lol) tons of occasions where the people who expected nothing point and laugh saying, "see, that's what you get for having hopes and dreams!" as if somehow this whole thing is not Nintendo's fault.  It absolutely IS their fault for choosing already-dated hardware out the gate, people having hopes and dreams are the ones that want Nintendo to do better, and the apologists sit there happy with anything Nintendo does while being smug about it.  It's poisonous, honestly...  Accepting that Nintendo, the same people who brought us some of the most innovative games and hardware (I mean, come on, y'all know we owe controller vibration to the "Rumble Pak"), are not that Nintendo anymore should not be the "core" community.  That's... well, that's depressing, is it not?

Still waiting on Sony or MS to allow me to play my games portably and on a TV natively without the need of a second device or buying two versions of the same game.  It is the reason I got Fenix Rising on my Switch instead of my Series X as well as Outer Worlds on Switch over PS4 (waited for the patches).  It has never been about power for Nintendo, the last time that gave them true success was the SNES.  Doing better does not always equate to hardware power, which seems to be where some people fall short in understanding.

The way I see it, Nintendo gave us everything they promised.  If people want to listen to rumors and ignore the reality of the big picture, which is that none of this came from Nintendo, that is on the people who bought into it.  No one needs to apologize for a huge successful company like Nintendo, and just because they are happy with what Nintendo has been doing doesn't mean they are.

As for the examples of people gloating and being toxic elsewhere on the net, those are called trolls and many of them are not even Switch owners.  They just want to get a rise out of people, or take any shots at a company they don't like.

Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-5643-2927-1984

Animal Crossing NH Dream Address: DA-1078-9916-3261