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tsogud said:
Cobretti2 said:

I personally feel that a mid gen upgrade would have been pointless because no one has ever been able to quantify what hardware it could use that would make it feel worth buying other the original console.  If anything it would have created a pain in the arse for those who have the original model as some games woudl not run on it well only for what maybe a 30% gain in performance on a mid gen upgrade? People keep spitting out DLSS 4K, cool but what hardware is available atm in small factor form that would achieve a true next gen 4K experience? It would be gimped at best upscaled to 4K.

I am glad they didn't do it because it now means whatever NVIDIA is developing in terms of CPU/GPU for Switch 2 has the potential to be a significant increase as new technology comes out. There is no reason than in 3 years time when the next console comes out that games cannot look close to PS5 level with DLSS support and better base hardware for 1080p

Some games already don't run well on it without a mid-gen upgrade... Nintendo published games to boot. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 has performance problems and the resolution suffers, Age of Calamity is a mess both in performance and visual fidelity, even Bowser's Fury has frame rate dips (although it's very playable), Link's Awakening stutters and has frame rate dips as well as a lower resolution than expected. Some of these issues could just be issues of poor optimization but a lot are because of hardware limitations.

I primarily play portable only docked when playing Smash, Mario Kart, and Mario Party with family and friends so I don't care about 4K at all. I only want to be able to play Nintendo games at a stable performance and at least at a dynamic 720p but my original Switch can't even handle that. It's not an unreasonable request from Nintendo.

I don't expect a mid-gen hardware upgrade any time soon but judging by Nintendo's past with New 3ds, DSi and even GBA and GB it's highly likely it's going to happen and a lot of people, including me, will be glad to play Nintendo games at acceptable performances when/if it comes out.

I should have probably explained what I was implying better. People expected a significant jump i.e the 4K capable Switch Pro based on the rumours. I was happy that those rumours were not true as I cannot see what hardware currently available on the market that would fit inside a Switch case would achieve that without feeling gimped even with DLSS especially for a portable console. I would much rather see a real crack at fit for a next gen console so it is done properly.  A 3DS to new 3DS jump should have kind of been a given (i.e. reduce the fabrication from 20nm to 10nm to get a bit of extra out of the cpu), but looks like that did not happen.