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Pemalite said:
mjk45 said:

 I agree There's nothing wrong in feeling disappointed and wanting more and I for one will be keeping my original Switch but that's different from the where's the damn Pro, Nintendo pulled a fast one on us that RPGfan posted.

Nah. This is why we should never take stock in rumors. They are god damn rumors for a reason.

Base your expectations on actual evidence instead.

Using your terminology a god damn great way to take my reply out of context, Base your conclusions on the full story.  If you followed the chain of replies you would know I first posted a reply agreeing with OTBWY in regard to RPGfan's post that blamed Nintendo with "where's my damn Pro, Nintendo pulled a fast one" comments, I agreed that it's not Nintendo's fault and seeing how the media works nobody should have be surprised that it was over inflated, so we can blame no one but ourselves for any hype and expectation.

The part you highlighted was my reply to tsogud, and that was just me trying to show that gamers like him being disappointed with the actual spec is Ok and is different from comments that blame Nintendo for their rumor driven hype and expectations not being delivered ,

Last edited by mjk45 - on 07 July 2021

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot