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chakkra said:
IcaroRibeiro said:

The older characters actors wee pretty old. Killing them was the right thing to do, as they were also old in narrative context. Harrison Ford was specifically direct on his demand to only play Han Solo again if it was the last time. 

Both Han and Luke had nice ending arcs for me, I don't see exactly what make people mad about them, and I'm also a Star Wars fan. I'm just sad Leia was the only one who couldn't get a more satisfying end, as Carrie passed away before most of the movie was filmed 

I also think people get too invested on fictional arcs and characters and starts do get too stressed out with small things. People play new IPs and with new characters all the time, I don't get why the concern to play a different character in the same franchise. Like, I understand Lara Croft is the face of Tomb Rider since the beginning, but why exactly would be so hurtful to play another character? I just wonder 

Spoiler for the TLOU2

Now, that would be a nice social experiment. They should kill off Lara Croft in the next game and replace her with a guy; and to make things even more interesting, they should have us play with the guy that kills her.

People who advocate for "taking risks" in entertainment don't seem to realize that most risky ideas are considered "risky" precisely because they are dumb ideas. Like, sometimes these artists need someone to tell them: "Sweetheart, there is a reason why this has never been done before; it's because it is a crap idea."

Well, I found it an awesome idea and I am greatful someone have the guts to make it work :p

The experience of playing with a supposed villain to see their point of view was a nice exercise, I personally even liked Abby story more than Ellie's (but I like Ellie's gameplay a little more because it's easier to stealth)

People take things that have no real issue attached to it too seriously. When evaluating something is right or wrong thing I just ask two things:

- Is it hurting anybody?

- Does this go against my morals? 

If answer is no for both question, I really don't see the problem, at least in conceptual level. Just do it, I'm curious to see the outcome