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Nettles said:

I'm against it because i believe it will make people even lazier and entitled and there really isn't enough money for it.On the other hand proponents argument that there will not be enough jobs in the future due to AI and automation are also true i think, so there needs to be a radical redesign of the way our society and economy works in the future.

I'm not sure I see your logic. Giving people more resources increases their ability to be productive. People generally use money to pay their bills/debts, and then extra money to improve themselves and expand their employment opportunities. Many Western countries have programs today that incentivize people remaining unemployed, UBI can't possibly have worse effects than that since it actually removes that incentive to remain unemployed.

Another use for the extra money can also be used to expand the capitalist class by expanding investment resources for the higher wage working class. For the lower wage working class, it gives them leverage to negotiate higher wages with corporate positions while not requiring a minimum/living wage as a small business employee - they can instead be paid in RSAs and/or RSUs. It'll give small businesses and independent entrepreneurs a fighting chance against the mega-corporatization of the economy.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.