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Lots of reviewers praised Skyward Sword at its original release for a lot of changes and improvements over previous 3D Zeldas that gave it more dynamism, a certain group of reviewers and users got into the bandwagon hate from the fact that mainly combat was based around motion controls, but lots of people have admitted that they barely scratched the surface of the game content, here where i live most people had already left the wii one or two years before the game was released and the promise of more accurate motion swordplay wasn't gonna be reason enough to go and rebuy a wii while the console was lacking in HD, online upcoming games, other areas and frankly it was already dying. If those people really played they would've noticed that sworplay isn't even most of what makes skyward sword unique with respect to previous Zeldas, Skyward Sword gave Link the ability to run and pseudo jump, to speedup his climbing, incorporated elements like upgrading of items, not by just collecting them like before, but by forging having you collect the materials and gaving them to the forger, same for potions , the story wasn't as static as Ocarina of time and others in the series where "the bad guy" is just wainting for you, it has lots of secondary missions to get better equipement and lots of those things were the basis for mechanics in BOTW. Like with other series if people get to know more this excellent Zelda game thanks to switch the better.

Last edited by foxmccloud64 - on 24 June 2021