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I know, I know, sony pony chimin' in and you all know how this is gonna go, but like jesus this may have been Microsoft's worst E3.

"Console Launch Exclusive" is not a selling point. Nobody's buying a console so you can get a handful of indies a few weeks early.

The exclusives they did show didn't have much gameplay or at all. Starfield's 'trailer' was just 'oh, remember this game? Well here's a cinematic trailer that...reaffirms that it's sci-fi in space. Oh, and it's exclusive'. snore. Halo Infinite looked better but its online going Free 2 Play is exactly how you ensure I never, ever touch it for any reason. Redfall looks like it has a tonne of potential but there was no gameplay so it's hard to tell (looks like it's just Left 4 Dead with vampires and a dose of Dishonoured-style augmentations, which is an idea I can absolutely get behind but it's not shaking the industry). Forza Horizon 5 looks phenomenal...but I'm just not into realistic racers so it did nothing at all for me. It looks good, but nothing special. Contraband...exists. that's about all we can say about it. No gameplay shown.

No Everwild, no Perfect Dark, no Avowed, no updates on old games that looked good from last summer's display. Insanely disappointing show. I tried putting myself in a place of 'If this game comes out on PS5, do I want it?" And even then there were like maybe 4 or 5 games in that entire showcase I'd want and a handful more I'd consider. I wanted to do all I could to put myself in a mindset of getting excited, but very little actually looked fun or original or new or exciting. Again, a handful of stalwarts we already knew about like Starfield and Halo and Forza all looked...fine, but there's still not enough information to go off.

4/10. Only that high because I thought Forza looked genuinely great and I thought the Outer Worlds 2 trailer was hilarious. Other than that, still absolutely nothing to get me chomping at the bit.

Of all the games shown, here's a list of all the ones I actually thought looked good or I'd be interested in regardless of platform:

Back 4 Blood (Already preordered on PS5)
Psychonauts 2
Hades (Already have it on Switch)
Far Cry 6
Atomic Heart
Among Us (Already have it on switch/PC)
Eiyuden Chronicles
The Outer Worlds 2

And of those, Atomic HEart, The Outer worlds 2, and Redfall lacked any gameplay, while I'm only tangentially interested in Far Cry 6 (that's a huge maybe), and I need more information on Eiyuden Chronicles. I think it's officially time for me to give up. Xbox just absolutely isn't for me. They focus on a very specific audience that I am just not a part of. I don't care about shooters and I don't care about racers and as stated before I just don't care about GamePass. It's a fine service, for other people. Halo is a fine game, for people who love FPS titles. Forza is a fine game, for people who love racing games.

the biggest 'maybe' on that list is Starfield. I absolutely loved Skyrim and Fallout 4, but Bethesda has had some real issues with getting their games out or doing anything new lately that interests me, and I'm not really much of a sci-fi kinda gal. I'm sure it'll be fine, but I generally avoid spacefaring games. That's on me, not them, but the only thing that coulda redeemed this presentation was Elder Scrolls VI, and even that was absent in all ways but an off-handed comment about how it's still coming in the final monologue.

Here's hoping Square-Enix does better. I genuinely expected SOMETHING good out of this, but there's still nothing on the platform for me.

This is really the last I'll speak of it. I'm done. I give up.

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android