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hinch said:
Runa216 said:

Yeah, it looks truly amazing. I have no freakin' idea what's going on in the story but I kinda don't care. The team behind this has a pedigree that has never gone wrong (Demon's souls, Dark Souls, Dark Souls III, Bloodborne, and Sekiro are all among my all-time faves)

Even if the trailer looked bad I'd still be excited. When you succeed that much, I think faith is earned. 

And the trailer looked amazing, too. Can't wait for more traversal and horseback riding. So excited. so very, very excited. I 100% doubt ANYTHING else shown at ANY of the E3 conferences will make me as wet as this trailer. 

Thought you'd appreciate the trailer lol. The game didn't look hot from a graphics POV but I love the new dark fantastical creature designs and setting. And the mount and combat looks like it could be interesting dynamic.. But yeah they're pretty much gold as far as I'm concerned and it looks like they're going all out on this one. And that Berserk-like armour!

Weird that they showed this at this, and not the E3 conference but I'll take it

Fromsoft's games have never been all that pretty or intense in terms of graphics. Even for their time Dark Souls and Bloodborne were pretty lame. I mean, Bloodborne's art direction was MINT, but its actual graphics were fine. Nothing special. I expect Elden Ring to follow the same suit and be a masterpiece in all elements but presentation. 

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