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What would have been Sony's best messaging for crossgen?
I think there is positive nextgen message while also being truthful about crossgen stuff.
Like "we will bring forward innovative next gen exclusives while also sharing our most popular IPs with largest audience possible"
Because they are doing more exclusive games even if not with biggest IPs for most part, which shouldn't be forgotten because of disappointment over specific titles. IMHO it's not a sin that a big IP that doesn't "need" real nextgen capability is produced for crossgen, which doesn't take away from the game or make it lesser. Top notch game experiences can be crafted that still fit within and aren't constrained by supporting lastgen scalability.

Anyways, the general story that "we believe in generations" isn't literally true per it's apparent maximalist meaning has long been known since launch, that's not really news here, and I don't even think GT/GoW are fully in the same boat in terms of expectation vs new changes.

Last edited by mutantsushi - on 03 June 2021