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If it wasn’t Mark Hamill people would’ve shat all over it, because Mark Hamill is Luke Skywalker. And not anybody else. I for one have never heard of this Sebastian Stan, so it would’ve been like “Huh who’s that?” if it was someone else. This was better. And I agree, I would be one of those people doing the shitting. I don’t like actor swaps in general, whether it’s Star Wars or some random tv show or whatever. If you’re just going to use someone else in a role, you might as well just make a new character. This is also why using the likeness of Peter Cushing was good in Rogue One. If they didn’t, they’d better just make a character that wasn’t Tarkin. Obviously, this is different for movies where a much younger or older version of a character is used. Ewan McGreggor as a younger Obi-Wan Kenobi for example is fine.